Selah - Todd Smith, Amy Perry, Allan Hall |

Todd Smith, Allan Hall, and Amy Perry each bring something unique to the table. Individually they are amazing, and when you bring them together, the harmony is one of the most beautiful things you will ever hear! This entire collection is a gift to the ears, and creates a beautiful place for you to sit and rest - a place to be still and worship. Each song brings to light the hope we have in our Almighty God, creator, redeemer, and the lover of our souls. Life is hard, we have struggles, we're broken . . . but He gives us hope when we turn to Him, look to Him, and trust Him. This set of songs conveys this flawlessly!
This standout collection of songs is an exceptional blend of sounds - each song unique - all coming together for one of the most magnificent efforts I've ever had the pleasure of listening to. And it can't go without saying, "I Look to You" is phenomenal! Amy Perry sings that song with a depth of emotion that is unsurpassed! I know all the glory goes to God, but man -- that girl can SING! The first time I heard her sing that song, I was completely undone. It was powerful the first time, and every time since. Absolutely incredible! You can read my original post about this song here.
I can't say enough good things about this collection of songs. I gain a deeper admiration for Selah's talent with each listen. The talent shines brightly on this project, and Selah's heart for God is evident, without a doubt. Don't hesitate for one minute - pick up this CD today! I have a feeling it will move to the top of your favorites as well!