True Romance by Julie Lessman

So when one of my Seeker buds, Myra Johnson, asked me to do a guest blog a few years back on something romantic in my marriage, I strained my brain trying to come up with some romantic event that was so sensational that sighs of envy would drift forth into cyberspace. But the honest-to-God truth is that my husband has never danced with me in the dining room (a la Janet Dean) or hidden a piece of jewelry in a fortune cookie like Gail Martin’s clever hubby. True, Keith brings me coffee almost every morning, holds my hand in the car, and sent me roses when I gave birth to his son and daughter. But as far as a heart-melting, knee-weakening moment that swept me off my feet, I was alarmed to realize that I—a card-carrying romantic—was drawing a blank.
That got me thinking—hard! I mean, I’ve been married over 32 years to this wonderful man and consider our relationship to be one of the most romantic I have ever seen. But I can’t validate that with stories that would qualify for the Romance Hall of Fame. So what makes our relationship so special, I wondered?
Well, to answer that, we have to talk about what romance is really all about. To me, it’s being cherished, loved, made to feel like I am the most precious thing to my mate, which is basically Ephesians 5:25 in a nutshell—Husbands, love your wives. It’s why romance is the top-selling genre in the fiction market with 13.2 percent market share and 1.36 BILLION in sales in 2009. Because pure and simple—women want to be cherished, a subject I explore in more depth in a recent blog I wrote for my group blog, The Seekers, entitled “Stupid in Love” (http://seekerville.blogspot.com/2011/02/stupid-in-love-bookcritique-giveaway.html).
All of a sudden, I realized that my husband does that for me every day of my life. A tender look, a lingering kiss or just spooning at night. Telling me he never gets tired of being with me (yeah, I know, his boredom threshold must be pretty high), or dancing with me at weddings when I know he’d rather have a root canal. And then there were all those times he supported me and took my side in front of the kids, even when I was wrong. Followed by gentle conviction and prayer when we were alone. It’s a big, hulking guy reading my debut novel instead of Sports Illustrated and then tearing up when tragedy befalls a favorite character. It’s swooning at the sink when he kisses me from behind, purposely mimicking a scene in my book. It’s a man who makes me feel pretty, sexy and like I am the moon and the stars to him, and who tells me life with me is never dull.
Yes, my name is Julie Lessman, and I am a romance addict. And my husband is my biggest supplier.
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Julie! Thank you so much for being my special guest today, and helping get my blog off to a fantastic start!
Oh happy day! Now is your chance to win a signed copy of any of Julie Lessman's novels (A Passion Most Pure, A Passion Redeemed, A Passion Denied, A Hope Undaunted, or A Hope Revealed). To get yourself entered into the drawing, all you need to do is leave a comment that includes your email address.
You also have a chance to receive two extra entries by doing one, or both, of the following,(please leave a separate comment for each entry) . . .
+ 1 entry ~ Become a follower of Sweet Treats & Inspiration.
+ 1 entry ~ Post this contest on your facebook wall.
+ 1 entry ~ Post this contest on your facebook wall.
Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is drawn from a non-biased third party - Random.org. After I email the winner, they will have 72 hours to contact me with their address. I am not responsible for any lost or damaged item for this prize.
Thank you for entering! Contest ends February 16, 2011 at 11:59 PM PST.
Hi Michelle. I love Julie Lessman's books. They are so fabulous.
Her books seem to be the most in demand at the library!
Please put my name in the hat. LOVE Julie! We share the same romantic heart, she's just more vocal and I'm more closet about it. :D
ReplyDeletelr dot mullin at live dot com
I Facebooked AND Tweeted this contest!
BTW, LOVE the song! One of my favorites. :D How did you do that?
Hi Michelle!! I love your new blog... It is awesome!!! I have never read any of Julie's books. I would love to read one.
Hi there! I'm new to your blog, but I love this post. Julie Lessman is one of my favorite authors and all her books are awesome. Happy Valentine's Day!
I'm a follower of your blog now!
ReplyDeleteI also love books with romance in it. Gives me a good feeling. I would love to have my name added in the giveaway. Happy Valentines Day!
MICHELLE ... Thank you SO much for hosting me on your blog -- I swear I get this craving for Valentine hearts candy every time I come here ... :)
Hey! Julie is always so good with words and getting the point across and she doesn't let down in this post.I can't wait for her next book!
KATEY!!! Thank you SOOO much, sweetie, for your kind words. And really??? My books are in demand at your library??? Good to hear!! :) Thanks again for coming by and good luck in the contest ... you might just win my next release, A Heart Revealed ... :)
I LOVE Your books! I can't put them down!
I have A Hope Undaunted, but still have yet to read it. I've heard it's great though!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful blog!
I am now a follower!
LINNETTE -- my sweet fellow member of Romantics Anonymous!!! We certainly DO share the same romantic heart, which means I cannot WAIT till you get published, girl, so I can read some great romance!! Good luck in the contest, my friend.
JANET!!! Oh, girl, are you JUST the person I'm looking for ... :) Never read my books, eh? Well, we are going to have to remedy that REAL soon!! If you like passion for romance surpassed only by passion for God and LOTS of kisses ... I'm your girl. Good luck in the contest, sweetie!
SARA!!! Thank you SO much, my friend, for your kind words. And it's so great to see you, Kayla and Linnette here, some of our best Seeker friends!! Wish I could send a signed book to each and every one of you, but then my husband would shoot me and who would write my books??? Good luck in the contest.
JO ... so you love books with romance in them, do you??? Well, honey, if there's one thing my books have besides passion for God, it's PASSION for romance with a capital "P," so here's to finding out firsthand with a win in this contest!!!
KAYLA!!! Hey, girl, I can't remember -- did you say you got my newsletter??? Because you need to let me know if you didn't 'cause there's a picture of you know who in it ... along with the cover for A Heart Revealed AND an excerpt!!
CARRIE -- talk about short and VERY sweet!! I sure LOVE to hear that, so THANK YOU, my friend and good luck in the contest!
ARIEL!!! Make sure you have a few extra moments to spare when you do read AHU because Cluny McGee is one HOT hero that you will want to spend lots and lots of time with, trust me. He's my favorite so far, neck-in-neck with Mitch Dennehy. :) Good luck in the contest!
Hey, Julie, and Happy Valentine's Day to you and your sweetie! I'm not entering the contest since I already have all your books and am blessed enough to have bookplates for them. I'm sure that statement will make me the envy of everyone here. Listen, girl, I'm still trying to cool down from your great post last week on Seekerville. Be still my heart indeed! Didn't know you were such a "Martha" (as in Stewart). Wow, I'm impressed! Loved the lovely story about you and YOUR sweetie! Blessings to you, especially on this very special day of LOVE (and passion, but that goes without saying where you're concerned)! Hugs, my sweet friend! ;-)
ReplyDeletePlease include me...I love Julie's books!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Hey Michelle! (and Julie!!) I sent this link to my mom to come by and enter, but it isn't compatible with Anon or Name/URL users, so I'm leaving it for her. I hope that's okay! :)
ReplyDeleteSo...SUE SAID:
Wow, I loved Julie's assessment of her wonderful marriage, just living life and enjoying the simple things. That's how it should be. Thanks Julie. Please put my name in to win a book. I'm going to have own her newest one for sure since my daughter's name is going to be in it. So exciting! :)
Oh happy day is right, Michelle! LOVE your new blog! But, I gotta say to Julie.....I'm BACK and I'm still waiting to use my sign for you at the air port :-)!!! :-) Hi, Julie!!! I am so excited about A Heart Revealed!!! Please consider this my entry into the drawing!
Molly ~M~
Mollydedwards AT yahoo DOT com
I am a GFC follower!
Molly ~M~
Mollydedwards AT yahoo DOT com
I posted about this giveaway on Facebook!
Molly ~M~
Mollydedwards AT yahoo DOT com
Hi Julie
ReplyDeleteIts Bev from Maryland. I don't think there is anything you can write that does not make me cry!!
All of your loyal followers ( like me) know that everything you write reflects deep love and faith for God and family. I wish for you many many new readers to be blessed.
As wonderful as this amazing husband of yours is, it is your respect, love, and acceptance of all his offerings that bring out his best!!
I am counting the days until the new book!! September will be a great Birthday present for me.
"Yes, my name is Julie Lessman, and I am a romance addict. And my husband is my biggest supplier."
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love that last line Julie! Your hubby sounds like a gem.
I have yet to read any of Julie's books, so I am excited to get the chance to win one and feed my habit.
donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog (love the title Michelle!)
ReplyDeletedonnyandshelly at yahoo dot com
Shared on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theatticgirlblog
ReplyDeletedonnyandshelly at yahoo dot com
Oh, I love Julie's books....they are so fantastic! Can't wait to read her new one! Please enter me! Thanks.
WHOA, BABY, I leave to go to Aunt Julie's Valentine's party for an hour and a half, and some of my favorite people in the whole world show up to bless the socks off of me AND Michelle!!
ReplyDeleteJOANNE!!! Girl, you're supposed to be cleaning, remember, not on the Web!!! :) But I do appreciate your support as always, and YES, I am a HUGE MSS person (Martha Steward Syndrome) in more ways than I can express. I have some Journal Jots coming up about all my disorders (i.e. DBS ... Dreaded Booth Syndrome or PLS ... Poor Loser Syndrome, primarily at Dominoes at my MIL's!!), but I am in therapy for ALL of them, which means I'm on my knees before the throne of God A LOT!!!
You are in my prayers all day today, sweetie, and know that you are one special lady!!
MAUREEN!!! Consider yourself "included" and I love you too, kiddo -- THANKS for your support and good luck in the contest!
ReplyDeleteSUE!!! Hey, girl, this is your very first comment to me online, which blesses me HUGE!!! First of all, not only did you raise an incredible daughter, but also one of my favorite people in the whole wide world!! I tell you, you oughta write a parenting manual, as good as Case turned out. :) And YES, I am incredibly thrilled to say that both Casey and Michelle will have characters named after them in A Heart Revealed because they knocked themselves out in the contest and pretty much blew me away!
Thanks for taking time to comment (through Casey), Sue, and have a GREAT V-Day!!!
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you sweet ladies here! I have enjoyed reading all of your comments, and I thank you for each and every one. It's nice to see so many familiar faces, and lots of new ones, too! Casey, your mom's name is definitely in the drawing. : )
ReplyDeleteBIG thanks again to Julie for being here today! I think I speak for everyone, when I say it's a "sweet treat" and a blessing!
MOLLY!!!! OMIGOSH, I was JUST thinking of you this morning, girl, wondering how the heck you have been doing. Actually, I was praying for you because you are on my hit list, remember??? Hope that situation is greatly improved. Thanks for posting this on FB, my friend and good luck in the contest.
ReplyDeleteBEV SAID: "I don't think there is anything you can write that does not make me cry!!" Okay, sweetie, now you just made ME cry, seriously. Admittedly not a hard thing to do for this weepy drama queen, but even so, your words touched my heart and I thank you for them AND for your amazing support. Here's to a win, my friend.
Hope you had a great time with Aunt Julie!! I have no doubt that it was wonderful! : )
ReplyDeleteAnd DBS?? Dreaded Booth Syndrome? I can't wait to hear more about that in your Journal Jots! :D
SHELLEY ... yeah, I fell into it with this guy for darn sure, but I honestly believe it was all those prayers I prayed from the age of 23 when I went from a 70's wild child to a born-again Christian up until age 28 when I finally said "I do" to this guy that I truly do NOT deserve!! Thank you for coming by AND for spreading the word on FB and girl, we just HAVE to get one of my books in your hot little hands!!
ReplyDeleteIf you want a sample of my writing, check out my blog tab on my website where I list all the Seeker blogs I've written. Try the latest one I've written entitled "Stupid in Love" or "A Kiss is Just a Kiss" or "Dial 911 ... We're Starting a Fire With Romantic Tension" for a good idea of my style of writing, which I will warn you, is pretty passionate, but all in line with God's precepts.
Happy V-Day, girl!
HEY, JACKIE, soooo good to see you here, girl -- how is your hubby doing? I've been praying for him AND you, so hopefully he is completely on the mend. Thanks for your sweet words and good luck in the contest.
ReplyDeleteMICHELLE ... well, I have to be truthful and say the V-Day party was not the best, but only because apparently AJ had a few TIAs (mini-strokes) just before I got there, which upset me (and the nurses) A LOT. But, I wheeled her up to the party where we listened to music and I helped her eat a cupcake. I am hoping she will snap out of it like she did last time.
But, YES, you will hear about DSB in Journal Jots one of these Fridays, rest assured. :)
Off to write! :)
I love your books Julie. I can't wait until the new one comes out in September! I've recommended you to all of my friends that love to read.
I just posted the contest to FB, following Sweet Treats and Inspiration Blog, and my e-mail address is fdgooch@comcast.net.
ReplyDeleteCan't pass up the opportunity to get my hands on the new book =) Patience still isn't one of my strongest virtues.
I love Julie Lessman's books! I've read all of them so far and will continue to read them as they become available. I would love to win this give away.
I just became a follower of your blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks for featuring Julie and having the book giveaway.
Hi Julie and Michelle--
ReplyDeleteI love, love, LOVE your books, Julie--and I love this blogspot and love the theme songs! I love it all! (Have a touch of spring fever today with nicer weather--can you tell?) And I'm dreaming of sitting down with Julie's book and a little bag of those candy hearts right now! partwright2000 at yahoo dot com
Michelle & Julie,
ReplyDeleteLOVE this Post! Love/Romance Addict here too. :D My husband, Love of my life has taught me same lesson of Enduring, daily Romance. Looking forward to seeing/reading more posts since I just became a Follower & reading some more Inspirational Romance Books!
Have a JOY-Full Day! <3
Love Ya! Susie :)
<>< Susie Cantrell, Mountain Ministry
Scanmm413 [at] gmail [dot] com
I read the entire excerpt from your new book in your newsletter. Delicious! I can't wait.
I am a follower of sweettreatsandinspiration. :)
MICHELLE!!! I just got home from an incredible Bible Study at my church that was SO healing and SO eye-opening as to how much HE loves us. Then I click on your blog and BOOM ... that FANTASTIC song comes on about His love being a hurricane and I am the tree and how much He loves us. WOW ... now I ask you, isn't that really what Valentine's Day is all about -- HIS love affair with each one of us??? Okay, look out ... starting to cry again ... :/
ReplyDeleteDANYEL!!! Great to see you here, girl, and THANK YOU for your kind words, for telling your friends about me, posting on FB AND ALL of your amazing support!! You got my newsletter that I sent out last week, I hope? Some people didn't, so I want to make sure that you did 'cause it's got the cover and excerpt from AHR in it. If you didn't, let me know, okay? And good luck in the contest, sweetie.
Hey, PAM, thank you SOOO much for dropping by, becoming a follower of Michelle's blog and just for reading my books -- MUCH APPRECIATED!! I wish you the best in this contest, girl, and here's to a win!
ReplyDeletePAT!!! Ooooo, sitting down with a bag of those hearts and Collin, Patrick, Mitch, Luke or Brady sounds prettttty good to me too!! ;) And, YES, I can tell you have spring fever, which I TOTALLY understand!! Thanks, Pat, for your sweet comment and I look forward to being on your blog at the end of August, girl!!
SUSIE-Q ... another romance addict ... YAY!!! Inspirational Romance is the best, isn't it??? Love the way it was meant to be, with God in the middle!! Maybe you'll win some here, so good luck in the contest and thanks for coming by!
ReplyDeleteANN ... I gotta tell you, you ALWAYS make me smile, girl, every time I see your sweet face and your passion for romance the way we BOTH like it!! Good luck in the contest, girl, and thanks for the great compliment on Sean/Emma's scene -- IT was "delicious"!!!
Posting this for Lady DragonKeeper . . .
ReplyDelete"Ack, Ms. Julie!!! The newsletter excerpt from "A Heart Revealed" is AMAZING! =D OMGoodness, how are we supposed to wait until fall? The book cover is neat too ... though, I was wondering if there was a reason why the "Winds of Change" books only have the heroine on the cover now instead of the main couple like the "Daughters of Boston" series? I find myself wondering what Luke McGee's supposed to look like, haha. =) I've love to win "A Heart Revealed" since ... *confession time* Um, after reading "APMP" I got "AHU" and I was going to wait and buy "APR" and "APD" first, but I couldn't resist and I read book 4! =O Of course, after that I got 2 & 3 immediately. =P But it's okay since I kind figured out who would get married to who when you read the back of the books (main characters are mentioned by name) ... and you forget when your in the middle of the book, wondering what Brady's secret is and such. =)
Thanks for hosting, Ms. Michelle and thank you for the chance to win!
Lady DragonKeeper!!! Hey, girl, SO good to see you here and I am SO glad you got the newsletter and liked the excerpt. Because Emma is married, I can't have typical love scenes between she and Sean, so I hoped it would still sizzle without any kissing ...
ReplyDeleteAs far as the covers without heroes ... Revell just decided that it would be easier, cleaner and certainly cheaper and less chance of disappointing readers with a hero they didn't find attracive, so they opted for the heroine only. BUT ... I can send you an old newsletter that has a picture of a very young Brad Pitt that I envisioned for Luke McGee, so if you would like me to send you that, shoot me an e-mail through my website, okay?
Thanks SO much for your support, LDK, and tell your sister "hey" for me, okay?
I love that your husband is your "supplier". How sweet! Thanks for entering me.
ReplyDeletetwinwillowsfarm at gmail dot com
I'd love to win and send A Hope Undaunted to my sister!!! Love your books, Julie!
ReplyDeleteI'm a GFC follower.
I posted on my FB wall.
I'd love to win A Hope Revealed I have all of Julie's other books. Yep I'm a fan. thanks
ReplyDeleteLove your blog page look.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I'm a new follower thanks
ReplyDeleteABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Thanks, PEGG, I do too! ;) He's a keeper, I'll say that for him! Appreciate you coming by and good luck in the contest.
ReplyDeleteLINDA!! I'd love you to send A Hope Undaunted to your sister too, so here's to a win!
ABI!!! Did you get the newsletter, I hope? Let me know if you didn't, okay, and thanks for coming by, my friend.
I am so excited to be considered to win your latest book, Julie. I have each of your books so far and will continue collecting every one that you publish. I am drawn to them because God's precepts are threaded through each and bless me immensely. Thank you. You are my favorite author.
ReplyDeleteLuv ya,
charlovesmark at gmail dot com
I am a new follower.
ReplyDeleteCharlotte Kay
charlovesmark at gmail dot com
WOW, CHARLOTTE, your favorite author??? Gosh, thank you SOOO much, girl, that blesses me when you consider all the wonderful authors in the Christian market today. And, yeah, God's precepts are HUGE to me. I know my books are more passionate when it comes to the romance aspect, but I hope that my most of my readers feel as you do that I am also VERY passionate when it comes to relating God's precepts in a natural and applicable way for each of us today, which is really what this is all about.
ReplyDeleteThank you again, Charlotte, for blessing me with your kind words. I don't think you are signed up for my newsletter, are you? But if you want to read an excerpt of A Heart Revealed and see the cover, go to my website and sign up, and I will see that you get it, okay? Good luck in the contest!
WOW..These are new books for me.. I just found Julie's books and I'm hooked.. Thank you for sharing your great stories with me....
ReplyDeleteGod Bless..
follower of blog
posted to my facebook page
I follow on GFC
Posted this giveaway on my FB profile
Ooo a great new blog for me to follow! How exciting!
ReplyDeleteJulie I couldn't help but think as I read what you had to say about being addicted to romance that it IS as bad as being addicted to Twinkies! Have you ever tried to pull yourself away from an awesome, heart-pounding romance to spend a half an hour on the ellipitcal? LOL I don't know about you but I can't do it! So in a roundabout way I guess romance is almost as bad for my hips as Twinkies :-P
Please enter me for A Heart Revealed!
XOXO~ Renee C.
=1 new follower
HEIDI ... sooooo glad we found each other too!! Thank you for not only reading my books, but for following Michelle and posting this on FB too -- MUCH APPRECIATED, sweetie. Good luck in the contest, and if you are not signed up for my newsletter, you can do that at my website because it has a sneak peek at Sean and Emma's story in it ... :)
ReplyDeleteMAUREEN, thank you for dropping by AND for posting on FB and following Michelle's blog -- you won't be sorry, girl. Good luck in the contest!
RENEE!!!! It's true about romance being addicting, at least for me and it sounds like you too. No, I have never tried to pull myself away from a good romance to do the ellipitcal -- I'm afraid exercise doesn't even make the radar when I'm reading romance ... unless spiking your heart rate counts ... :) Thanks for coming by, Renee, and here's to a win, my friend!!
THANK YOU all for coming to visit my blog, and for blessing Julie and I with all of your wonderful comments! I appreciate it so much!
ReplyDeleteJulie! Don't you just love that David Crowder Band song, "How He Loves"?? Have you heard it before? It takes my breath away every time I hear it, and it brings tears to my eyes every time. It's so amazing and powerful, and so full of the Holy Spirit! I hope you all have enjoyed listening to it, and if you haven't heard it, just turn up your speakers while you're at my blog (warning: you may need Kleenex!).
Also, did you see the recipe for Peach Cobbler that I posted? If not, don't miss it! It's a fantastic recipe, that will be perfect this Summer when the peach harvest comes in. : )
Thanks again to all of you who have shown your support to Julie and to my brand new "baby" blog! Sweet blessings to all of you!
P.S. Julie, I pray that AJ is having a good week. I'm sorry to hear about her mini-strokes on Monday. :( (((HUGS)))
@Julie....sorry for the delayed response....the situation is somewhat better, but not the way we want it to be. God is helping us through it. Though, to add to the problems, my grandpa passed away on December 18th so that certainly didn't help! So, continuing to be on your hit list would be AWESOME! Isn't Michelle just the sweetest??? I love her blog! And, Julie, I will keep AJ in my prayers as well!
ReplyDeleteThanks again and here's hoping for a win :-)
Mollydedwards AT yahoo DOT com
MICHELLE ... oh, man, I cry or mist up EVERY SINGLE TIME I come to your blog with that song, let me tell you -- INCREDIBLY ANOINTED SONG!!
ReplyDeleteAnd, YES, I saw the peach cobbler recipe, you little stinker -- makes my mouth water, and I am on a diet!!
Michelle ... let me know who the winner is tomorrow and what book they want, and we'll get a signed book out to them, okay? This was SO much fun!! AND thanks for your prayers for AJ. She is better today.
MOLLY ... keep in mind, sweetie, that things are NEVER the way "we want them to be," but with God's help and direction, we can be at peace and even have joy at times. Life is just hard, period. But with Him, it is worlds better ... or should I say, eternities better?!! Thanks for your prayers for AJ too -- SO appreciated.
Hi Mrs. Lessman,
ReplyDeleteAfter reading your recent newsletter, I was just so excited for your new book! Your husband did a great job with it by the way.
Can't wait to read your books, and am planning to read them all over again!
Faith Oygard mystery.penny@yahoo.com
I would love to be in this contest. My daughter and niece just got me started on Julie's books. I am loving them so far! I cried so many times in A Passion Most Pure. Working on A Passion Denied...
FAITH!!! Is your name Faith or Faye? I thought it was Faith, which I LOVE, of course!! I am SO glad you enjoyed the newsletter and the excerpt. Like I said before, it was a little long, but I wanted to get it all in because it really showed the cute interplay between Sean and Emma ... uh, which DOES heat up eventually even more down the road ... :) And I relate about rereading the books -- I like to reread them right before my next book comes out so I am up to snuff on what's happening! :) Thanks again, Faith, and good luck in the contest!
ReplyDeleteTAMARA!!! I am absolutely THRILLED that your sweet daughter and niece got you started on my books -- more mileage out of them that way, right?? The first book in my new series, A Hope Undaunted, is Katie and Cluny's story and my favorite so far, neck and neck with A Passion Redeemed, which is my favorite DOB book! Hope you enjoy it as much if not more than the rest! Good luck in the contest!
A beautiful Blog and Great Giveaway!
ReplyDeletePlease enter me in the giveaway.
Thank you for the chance.
I am also a follower.
I posted this giveaway on FBook.
Charlotte Kay is our winner!! Congratulations Charlotte!! I've sent you an email.
ReplyDeleteWENDY, thanks for coming by to enter! Michelle does a blog up right, doesn't she, though??
ReplyDeleteCHARLOTTE!!! SUPER CONGRATS ON THE WIN, GIRL!! You will receive your signed copy of A Heart Revealed (the one you want, I assume) in late August or early September.
MICHELLE -- thank you SOOO much for having on your blog. I am blessed by your friendship more than I can say.
Hugs, all, and here's to a GREAT weekend!!
You're welcome, Julie! It's been my pleasure! Can't wait to read what wonderful things you have in store for us in tomorrow's Journal Jot. http://www.julielessman.com/journal-jots/